Associate Professor

The “Troubled” Adolescent: Challenges and Resilience Within Family and Multicultural Contexts is written for students and clinicians who want to learn about adolescent behavioral health and psychosocial development. It focuses on the experiences of culturally diverse adolescents and families including, but not limited to, diversity based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, spirituality, ability/disability status, age, nationality, language, and socioeconomic status. Written from a bioecological and strength-based perspective, it views adolescents as having the power to initiate growth and recover from setbacks.
The book is clinically focused and intended to build readers’ multicultural competence when working with youth and families. Six chapters focus on challenges and treatment for specific concerns, such as trauma- and stressor-related disorders, depression and anxiety, suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injury, eating disturbances, substance use disorders, and disruptive behaviors. The book balances theory and application, and provides information about screening, diagnosis (based on the DSM-5), prevention, and treatment. Chapters contain case vignettes, self-reflective questions, discussion questions, suggestions for working with adolescents, and key terms. Special attention is given to family and cultural expressions and explanations for disorders. Interactive learning opportunities are included as QR codes to meet diverse learning needs and to help readers apply information.
In Print, Release Fall 2018
Meet the Authors
Jennifer L. Lovell
Dr. Lovell is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at California State University, Monterey Bay. Her scholarship focuses on health disparities and cultural factors impacting child, adolescent, and family wellness. Dr. Lovell is a licensed clinical psychologist in California.

Joseph L. White
Dr. White spent most of his distinguished career at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. White was a pioneer in the field of Black Psychology and received numerous prestigious awards. He served as a professor, administrator, mentor, consultant, and practicing clinical psychologist for over 50 years and authored four books on African American and ethnic psychology. He transitioned from this earth on November 21, 2017. Although Dr. White is no longer with us, his legacy will continue.

Meet the Team
A group of students helped to find, review, and approve resources and QR Codes within the book. Thank you for bringing your wisdom, collaborative spirit, and excitement to this project.

Major: Psychology Interests: Chicanx/Latinx mental health, health disparities, public policy Graduated: Spring 2018 Next Steps: Pursue graduate degree in political science or law to serve community

Major: Psychology Minor: Human Dev. Interests: Psychotic-spectrum disorders, clinical child assessment, & multicultural psychology Graduation: Fall 2018 Next Steps: Pursue PhD in clinical child psychology

Major: Psychology Graduated: Spring 2017

Major: Psychology Graduated: Spring 2018

Major: Psychology Minor: Pre-Law Sally Casanova Scholar Interests: Immigrant health and policy Graduation: Spring 2019 Next Steps: Pursue JD/PhD

Major: Psychology Graduated: Spring 2018

Major: Psychology Interests: Trauma, ASD, behavioral neuroscience Graduated: Spring 2018 Next Steps: Behavioral instructor for ASD; pursuing degree in clinical/counseling

Major: Psychology Minor: Human Development Interests: Foster youth and multicultural psychology Next steps: Pursue a graduate degree in Higher Education Counseling and Student Affairs Graduated: Spring 2018