Associate Professor

California State University, Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology (PSY321)
Clinical Psychology Lab (PSY321L)
Psychology in the Community (PSY391S)
Directed Research: Child Health and Wellness Lab (PSY397)
Alliant International University, Fresno, CA
California School of Professional Psychology
Assistant Professor, PhD Clinical Psychology Program
Graduate-level Psychology Courses
2014 – 2016
Multiple Research Methods (PSY6060)
Foundations of Individual and Cultural Diversity (PSY6127)
Diversity Competency Training (PSY7127A/B)
Clinical Interventions with Diverse Populations (PSY8127)
Research Practicum (PSY6034; 6035)
Proposal Development (PSY7906)
Interventions with Adolescents (PSY8500)
Interventions for Health Psychology (PSY8500)
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Instructor of record
Advanced Child Psychology
Child Psychology

Teaching Pedagogy
I enjoy collaborating with students on the learning process, and I expect students to be active learners (vs. passive recipients) during class. I facilitate discussion and interactive learning experiences that help students reflect on cultural diversity, resilience, and clinical psychology. I want students to leave class with ideas for how to apply their knowledge and act in ways that positively impact child, family, and community wellness.
My teaching goals for students include:
Develop critical thinking skills.
Enjoy the leaning process.
Become motivated to act on insights outside of the classroom.